Monday, December 29, 2008

Catfish Frenzy


Lee Point is currently experiencing westerly winds and lots of fresh water from all the run off. As a result, I keep seeing sharks foraging close to shore. After catching several Fork-tailed Catfish Arius sp. and one with three different small shark bites, I understand why I see the sharks patrolling the surf line.

I also caught and released a Shovel-nose Ray Rhinobatos typus. I am not sure what these cat fish and rays are feeding on but they are attracted to the wave action which is certainly having an effect on the sandy bottom. At low tide the beach is no longer smooth and flat but full of troughs and pot holes for lack of a a more descriptive picture.
One type of ray which looks like an Eagle Ray Aetobatus narinari is actually surfing the waves as it catches bait fish.

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